The Implementation

The GCO meeting was divided in two parts: the continuation of formation day for the councils and business days for discussion of the topics to be prepared for the General Chapter in August 2016.

The GCO meeting was opened on the 2nd of August 2015 with a Eucharistic celebration in the chapel of Stella Maris - Blantyre, led by Fr. Henk Bloem and Fr. Philbert Namphande OCD. The atmosphere of togetherness, sisterhood as Sisters of Our Lady and the statement "Malawi is the warm heart of Africa' coloured  this opening ceremony.

The first day we began with a continuation of the formation day for the councils. In this session the facilitators guided the councils to look at back at the records / results of discussion of each country and searching the key words to confirm our pilgrimage and journey in "moving on together - leaving  our nest". We realised that each of us is dealing with 'changes' and  'we are still on the journey". Father Henk Bloem guided us with a inspiring repflection on the Scriptures to realize that all of us are still on the journey to Jerusalem. We already departed and left the place, but we are walking together with others, we are not alone. In this process we discovered that our journey of life and serving is the journey of faith.

Discussion of the topics for preparation of the general chapter 2016
The following weeks we discussed the topics that have been put on our agenda meeting. Based on the responses of the councils we discuss in small groups or in the plenary session.

The closing of the meeting
On the feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15, 2015 we closed the GCO meeting with a Eucharistic celebration guided by Mgr. Thomas Msusu (Archbishop of Blantyre) together with Father Henk Bloem and Father Philbert OCD.
This celebration was a gratitude expression that the meeting run well and the sisters were all in good condition.